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Desperately Seeking Good Advice – A Geotechnical Perspective 

Whether you have a new build, whether you intend to expand or whether you plan to subdivide, you most likely need development consent from your council. Of course, there are exceptions for cases of Exempt or Complying Development. 

The paperwork in support of the Development Application (DA) can seem endless. To include with your DA, there are essential documents (e.g. topographical survey plan, architectural drawings and Statement of Environmental Effects) as well as supporting information (e.g. flood study, bushfire study and geotechnical investigation).

Some NSW councils require that a Geotechnical Report be incorporated as part of the DA submission. Some Sydney councils specify the requirement for undertaking a geotechnical investigation as a condition to the notice of determination where the consent condition must be complied with prior to issue of the Construction Certificate. Depending on the location of the development site, sometimes the councils will ask for specialist services such as a landslip risk assessment, a soil permeability test and testing for detection of acid sulfate soils as well as the supply of a safe work method statement for control of excavation induced noise, vibration and instability. 

There’s never been a more important time to truly understand the real purpose of engaging a geotechnical consultant in the DA process. We’re now in a world where if we cannot get it right the first time, we cannot survive financially especially if the economic dynamics we used to rely upon are now impaired. Good advice from a reliable geotechnical consultant matters, now more than ever. 

The geotechnical input is not just for gaining approval but also to identify risks and opportunities that may be realised in the development. Everyone can read the conditions of development approval but to interpret them correctly first go, it is for sure not everyone’s cup of tea. The ability to integrate the findings from the site investigation with the development is by far the hardest to come by. Before you engage any consultants, pick up the phone and speak with them in order to set apart a good consultant from so-so performers. You will be able to judge based on the level of engagement and the confidence you get from the conversation. Trust me, you will know.  


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